
A Cátedra se propõe a oferecer dois conjuntos de disciplinas: o primeiro mais voltado a estudos sobre a União Europeia de forma mais ampla e o segundo com foco em boas práticas de sustentabilidade.


A seguir estão as ementas dos cursos:


European Countries from a Comparative Perspective [Tópicos RI] (2022/2)

Masters in Political Science & Undergraduate Program in International Relations
Prof. Dr. Diego Trindade d’Ávila Magalhães
Teaching hours: 64h. Weekly schedule: 3T2345, Tuesdays, 14:00-17:40. Classroom: CA-C, 107.
Contact: diegotdm@ufg.br
With the support of the European Union’s Jean Monnet Chair at UFG.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Research questions concerning Europe. Political, social, cultural, economic, environmental, military, and other issues of social life in Europe. Datasets, indicators, and data-based knowledge to understand and compare European countries.

I. Objectives
Understand contemporary trends of sustainable development goals, democracy, public opinion, culture, business environment, environmental protection, human security, military power, and other issues of social life in Europe;
Learn about datasets, indicators and data-based research to understand and compare European countries;
Develop insights about the role of the European Union in the world.
II. Program
Introductory remarks
Datasets, indicators and data-based research
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
Countries’ basic facts
Research questions and styles, inference, and uncertainty
Hypothesis, claims, facts, processes, data, and comparison
European Politics
Presidents, constitutions, and national anthems
Democracy index
Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Corruption indexes
Soft power
European Society
Language, religion, and other traditions
Social & Human Development, education & health
Social and gender inequalities
Cost of living
Public opinion
European countries and the EU’s economy
GDP, national competitiveness and innovation
Sector-specific competitiveness Revealed Comparative Advantage
Trade flows, tariffs and agreements
Transnational investment flows
International logistics
Europe, EU, and environmental sustainability
Sustainable Development Goals
Global warming emissions
Ecological footprint
Nine planetary limits
Security & Military, EU’s military power
Violence and terrorism in the world
Military capabilities
Arms trade
Peacekeeping missions

III. Methodology
This Teaching Plan adopts different teaching methods. The professor will offer lectures and supervision to achieve the aforementioned objectives. Each presentation presumes student participation, hence the need to carry out mandatory readings and prepare questions to clear up doubts. Following the method of independent work, students must develop supervised tasks.
The professor might resort to recorded video lessons when needed. These videos must not be shared in any way or by any means without the author’s authorization.
Among other information technologies, this course resorts to GSuite (including Google Classroom, Google forms etc.) and SIGAA.
In the written activities, in addition to the conceptual foundation, the following items will be evaluated: argumentative consistency, thematic progression, coherence, objectivity, clarity, conciseness, cohesion and grammatical correction. Content defects (decontextualization, generalization, simplism, obviousness, copying, tautology and contradiction), as well as language and style vices (colloquialism, barbarism, redundancy and stereotyped language) may be penalized.
Participation is part of the educational process. Thus, the academic-professional attitude – punctuality, attendance, discipline, respect for colleagues and the teacher – is a fundamental requirement for every student. Pedagogical activities can be used so that students with a grade below average can increase their performance. In this sense, extra activities may be required. Students are responsible for attending classes and monitoring their own absences and grades.


Tópicos Regionais: União Europeia: história, culturas, instituições, políticas e estratégias de advocacy

Professoras Laís Forti Thomaz e Ema Pires
Carga horária: 64h
Dia/Horário: sextas-feiras período vespertino 14:00-15h40 e 16h-17h40
Local: Auditório Marielle Franco FCS
Horário de atendimento online: agendar previamente por e mail (laisthomaz@ufg.br ou ema@ufg.br )

Estagiário Docente: Mateus Alves (mateusalves@discente.ufg.br)

Participação: Tomaz Espósito Neto (UFGD), Karina Mariano (Unesp) e Roberto Menezes (UnB)

Financiado pela União Europeia. Visões e opiniões expressas são, no entanto, apenas do(s) autor(es) e não necessariamente refletem as da União Europeia. Nem a União Europeia e nem a autoridade concedente podem ser responsabilizadas por essas visões e opiniões.

História, instituições, políticas e estratégias de advocacy da União Europeia (UE). A UE como ator global. Relações com a UE com o Mercosul e o Brasil”

Compreender as principais dinâmicas relacionadas aos processos de formação e história da União Europeia e suas implicações nos processos de formação de identidade e culturas. Análise da formulação de políticas e tomada de decisão, enfatizando os atores que participam desse processo e suas articulações e estratégias para alcançarem seus objetivos relacionados à política de Meio Ambiente na União Europeia e no Brasil.

Estrutura do Curso
Fundamentos da Formação da União Europeia
Identidade e culturas na UE
Análise do Processo decisório, Políticas Públicas e Estratégias de Advocacy
Estudos de caso (Meio Ambiente e Inovação)

Metodologia ativa com aulas expositivas presenciais e estimula ao debate e participação dos estudantes. Trabalhos escritos e seminários discentes. Uso do Google Classroom para entregas de tarefas individuais ou em grupo, de acordo com o cronograma proposto. Utilização de Google Documentos, Planilhas e Apresentações para interação entre grupos.